
Sunday 10 August 2014

Holiday - French Riviera

I'm back!!!! 

The wait is over.....

I know I was away for quite a while but I am back nice and relaxed and had a great holiday, and I promise I will make up for it with a great post actually posts and will make you want to hop on a flight right away, and let's be honest I will happily join you too ;) 

Where have you been you ask? 

Well I  had the pleasure of being in the French Riviera to be specific I spent most of the time in Cannes and St Tropez. 

You are probably thinking what did she do for the amount of time she was out there?

I relaxed, shopped, sunbathed, swam, caught up on all the books I had been wanting to read, enjoyed the culture and food and visited some amazing places, oh and of course abused the must thing to do whilst visiting the French Riviera and that's enjoy time on the water. 

Here is what I captured of my Holiday. 

Just arrived and my sister has bagged the best seat in the house, oh and guess what the first thing she does? bare in mind she is 18.......... Correct WIFI code.

But the pool was also calling her name and that is basically where she kept for most of the holiday, we all think she is part dolphin part human ;) 

My dad trying to catch the ball, which was also in constant use the whole holiday, the ball not my dad.

And eventually got in, I am going to be honest, not sure what is going on here ;) 

My sister's boyfriend joined us which was great, bit of male company for my dad with three woman in tow.

First night and I thought I would rock the nautical/French look in keeping with being in the French Riviera. What you think, success?  Top and skirt - Topshop

Did I mention one of the highlight's for us is that our Villa has a ping pong table, yes we were out there every night.

Oh and that we are a competitive/sporty family. 

 And not just with ping pong, in the water too. From the outside our family may seem bonkers, but we just like to make fun games/bush tucker trails up, Yes we name our "games" and we take it seriously, OK not like its the Olympics but we have fun.  

And it's not sometimes a fair match hahha

Oh and did I mention I got myself some new sunnies for my hols - Oliver Peoples which I am in love with - what u think? Confession has to be made along with everything else fashion related I am guilty of owning quite a few sunglasses and getting at least one new addition every summer.  

See we do use things how you suppose to too. 

And when we are not sunning it and chilaxing - we do sometimes go out and do a bit of exploring and of course shopping, along with long stops for some traditional cheese and wine. It's a must whilst in the capital for Wine and cheese.

Let me guess you are now thinking hmmm could eat that right now.

Check out this view - Grasse, Perfume Captial of the world. 

This is the Rose of all Rose, very famous in the South of France, if you  or  you know anyone who goes to the French Riveria they probably know about this gem. One of the main reasons for its popularity/fame is not just the taste but supposedly leaves you without a hangover. I of course will not know if that is true or not ........................ Lets just say we constanlty have it in stock at our villa.

There it is the first part of my Holiday, more to come. Did'nt want to bombard you with a full blown post, thought I would ease you back in. 

Hope you all are having a great summer, would love to know what you are all up to. 

I am off to get some cheese and wine. Just because I am not on holiday anymore dosen't mean I can't keep up the lifestyle. Go on you know you want to too, be naughty with me. 

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